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v1.5 - 09-Aug-2006

- Added russian catalog. Thanks to Vinny.

- Pressing one of the day-header's will now add a weekly date for the clicked week day.

- Shorthelp for day-header was shown with a negative date. Fixed.

- The number of the calendar week for the bottom week was shown when the previous week contained 7 days and the following week contained no days. Fixed.

- Added standard blue background with eight columns.

v1.4 - 05-Auf-2006

- Added català catalog. Thanks to Pypo.

- April can now remind you of specific dates by popping up a requester in pure Outlook fashion.

- Due to major public demand it's now possible to limit the length of the day names in the day-header to only two characters.

- April can now show calendar week numbers optionally.

v1.3 - 23-Jul-2006

- Fixed a crash under MorphOS 1.4.x when a colour gadget was pressed twice consecutively.

- April has been localised.

v1.2 - 14-May-2005

- Added dutch guide.

- It's now possible to set a title for a date which will be shown in the date-list and as short-help (bubble help) for the day when holding the mouse over it.

- Dates can be set to 'Weekly', 'Monthly' and 'Yearly' to make them show up every week, every month or every year.

- Colour, Outline and Backgroundcolour for a day in the date-edit-window are now also changed in real-time in the calendar.

- Colourfield objects can now be dragged and dropped on other Colourfield objects and Colouradjust objects.

v1.1 - 23-Apr-2005

- When paging through months using the cursor-keys, the year switched to the next year already on december (blush). Fixed.

- Fixed high cpu-load with April. Lame but true excuse is that one IF statement which was disabled for testing purposes wasn't reenabled for the release version.

- The 28th of february is said to be displayed twice for leap years (unconfirmed as this bug could not be reproduced by me which might imply it is a bug of MorphOS 1.4.x). Added a possibly working workaround for such cases.

v1.0 - 20-Apr-2005

- This is the first release.