- Added %wis to show small conditions icon.
- Added %wip and %wiP to show moon phase icon and its small version.
- Added localised versions of %wco, %wwd, %wws, %wmp, %wps, %wuv (having a capital first W).
- Added %uv for UV.
- Added %wyf, %wyc for yesterdays min. temperature and %wxf, %wxc for yesterday max. temperature.
- Fixed a couple of refresh problems under MorphOS 2.0.
- Added %t<0-9> and %tx to use pen 0 to 9 or set the default pen again.
- Iconsets reside now in PROGDIR:Iconsets/ instead of just PROGDIR:. If you have any iconsets in the root-dir, copy them to PROGDIR:Iconsets/
- It's now possible to make the Wetter window a backdrop window.
- Wetter can now be set to be transparent under MorphOS (still faked transparency).
- Added %f and %r for frames and fonts.
- Free standing text in a format description is now considered as label/text.
- Added "FORMAT" tooltype/shell argument to specify a format that will be loaded upon startup.
- Default formats are basically gone. Formats can now be loaded from and saved to disk which adds a whole lot more flexibility.
- ASL file requester was never freed. Fixed.
- Added a scrollbar to the format editor.
- It's now possible to display the forecast of the next 7 days. New keywords have been added for this.
- Added "CONFIG" tooltype/shell argument to specify the config file Wetter should load upon startup.
- The main config file is no longer saved to env:wetter/.cfg but to PROGDIR:default.cfg. This makes it possible to have more than one instance of Wetter running using different config files. Also added correspondig menu items to load and save settings.
- Visibility can now also be displayed in kilometers using %wvk.
- The update delay can now be set as small as 10 Minutes, followed by 20 Minutes.
- A Space behind the city name wasn't removed and caused off-center centering. Fixed.
- Added support for \n (carriage return), \e (escape) and \q (quote) for labels and texts.