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MorphOS Exec Monitor Utility (MOSEMU for short) is a system information monitor. Besides obvious features like displaying CPU load (in a smooth-updating gauge), memory usage and of course the uptime for the most efficient braggability, MEM is fully skinable, which makes for nice panels on your Ambient and comes with an easy to use skin editor.

MEM can also be used to fully replace trancestats and can show important information such as CPU usage, CPU time and priority of selected tasks and of the top 10 running tasks. What information is shown in which manner is mostly up to the user and the skin he is using or which he has customised. It is for example possible to show the number of memory chunks in a gauge or just as a number in a text label. Same goes for other kinds of memory information, CPU usage (with and without considering DNETC) and Trance specific information.

#AmigaZeux proudly presents: MorphOS Exec Monitor